Get Start

All the information that will help you

to get started with our APIs is here.


Step 1: Sign Up
Step 2: Create your application
Step 3: View your applications
Step 4: Go live

Sign Up


Register to use our API products, simply create an account with the following steps:

1- Go to the "Registration" page .

2- Complete the registration form, then click Register.

Create your application


When you join us, you will be able to build your first app by:

1- Log in to your account.

2- From the menu go to the "Applications" page

3- Click on add application

4- Fill out the form with the application information

5- Select the API product you want to use

6- Click on Add Application to complete the application registration process

When you submit , you will be able to see all of your apps on the 'Applications' page.

View your applications


Click on the "Applications" page from the menu, you will be able to see all your applications and their information by clicking on the name of the application you want.

Go Live

Firstly, authentication for the API is via the access token

to obtain an access token > you will need to connect to the OAuth API

the authentication mechanism for each API can vary depending on the level of authentication required. You can send a request to start the live. Once your request has been tested, you will be answered.